Machine-Learning Human Rights1(2) Journal of Law and Empirical Analysis __ (2024) (with Han-wei Ho, Patrick Huang, Nuno Garoupa, Martin Wells and Yun-chien Chang)

Contrariness and Contradiction in Constitutional Law, in Deciphering the Genome of Constitutionalism: The Foundations and Future of Constitutional Identity 330-344 (Ran Hirschl and Yaniv Roznai, eds. Cambridge University Press, 2024).

The Due Process Canon, in Global Canons in an Age of Contestation: Debating Foundational Texts of Constitutional Democracy and Human Rights 445-57 (Sujit Choudhry, Michaela Hailbronner, and Mattias Kumm, eds., Oxford University Press, 2024).

American Exceptionalism and the Comparative Constitutional Law of Abortion, in Roe v. Dobbs: The Past, Present, and Future of a Constitutional Right to Abortion 259-80 (Lee C. Bollinger and Geoffrey Stone, eds., Oxford University Press, 2024).

International Law and Democratic Backsliding, in By Peaceful Means: Essays in Honour of David D. Caron  519-33 (Charles N. Brower, Joan E. Donoghue, Cian C. Murphy, Cymie R. Payne & Esme R. Shrlow, eds. Oxford University Press, 2024).

The Holocaust and the Age of Rights, 71 Justice 5-10 (2024)

A Constitutional Perspective on Institutional Neutrality, in Revisiting The Kalven Report: The University’s Role In Social And Political Action (Keith E. Whittington and John Tomasi, eds. Johns Hopkins Press, Forthcoming)

One (More) Virtue of Temporary Law, in Research Handbook on Law and Time (Frank Fagan and Saul Levmore, eds. Edward Elgar,  2024) (with Jonathan Masur and Richard McAdams).


As Complexidades Expressivas da Igualdade Constitucional (The Expressive Complexities of Constitutional Equality) 24(3) Revista de Direitos e Garantias Fundamentais 29-41 (2023) (Portuguese)

Constitutional Backsliding/Retrogression, Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law, Sept. 2023 (with Aziz Huq).

Impeachment in Comparative Perspective: An Empirical View, in Impeachment in a Global Context: Law, Politics, and Comparative Practice (Chris Monaghan, Matthew Flinders, Aziz Z. Huq, eds., Routledge 2023) 321-36 (with Aziz Z. Huq and David Landau).

The Constitutionalization of Democracy, Journal of Democracy 34(4): 36-50 (2023) (with Mila Versteeg).

It’s the Procedures, Stupid: the Success and Failures of Chile’s Constitutional Convention, Global Constitutionalism 1-10 (2023) (with Isabel Alvarez).

The Long Hand of Anti-Corruption: Israel’s Judicial Reform in Comparative Perspective, 56 Israel Law Review 385-96(2023).

Breaking the Saffron Wave? Sangha Capture in South and Southeast Asia, Journal of Asian Studies __: __ (2023) (with Ben Schonthal).

Universities as Knowledge Institutions: A Reply to Professor Jackson, 10 Texas A & M Law Review 901-905 (2023).

The Law of the Sea and Democracy, Berkeley Journal of International Law 41: 115-36 (2023).

Academic Freedom and Democratic Backsliding, Journal of Legal Education 71: 238-59 (2023).

Ideas and Institutions of East Asian Monarchy, in Zhengxu Wang, ed. The Long East Asia. (Springer 2023).

Democracy’s Other Boundary Problem: The Law of Democratic Disqualification, California Law Review (Dec. 2023) (with Aziz Huq and David Landau).

Universities as Knowledge Institutions: A Reply to Professor Jackson, 10 Texas A & M Law Review 901-905 (2023).

The International Court of Justice as an Institution, in Carlos Esposito and Kate Parlett, eds., Cambridge Companion to the International Court of Justice 86-100 (Cambridge University Press 2023).


Ideation and Innovation in Constitutional Rights,  Law & Ethics of Human Rights 16(2): 217-44 (2022)(with Zachary Elkins).

Imagining a World without the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, World Politics 74: 327 (2022) (with Zachary Elkins).

Latin American Constitutionalism: A U.S. Perspective, in The Oxford Handbook of Constitutional Law in Latin America, Conrado Hübner Mendes, Roberto Gargarella & Sebastián Guidi, eds. (Oxford University Press, 2022).

Mapping the Buddhist–Constitutional Complex in Asia, in Buddhism and Comparative Constitutional Law, Tom Ginsburg & Benjamin Schonthal, eds. (Cambridge University Press, 2022) (with Benjamin Schonthal).

Democracies and International Law: An Update, Chicago Journal of International Law 23:1- (2022).

The Pragmatics of Democratic “Front-Sliding”, Ethics & International Affairs 36: 137-53 (2022) (with Aziz Huq).

Choosing a Successor in the Shadow of Term Limits, Texas International Law Journal 57: 287-99 (2022).

The Value of "Tyrannophobia" Journal of Democracy, 33(4): 160-163 (Oct. 2022)

Constitutional Amendment and Term Limit Evasion in Africa, in Comparative Constitutional Law in Africa, edited by Rosalind Dixon, Tom Ginsburg & Adem Kassie Abebe, eds. (Elgar, 2022) (with Adem Kassie Abebe and Rosalind Dixon).

Democratic Backsliding and  Multiracial Democracy: A Reply to the 2021 Jorde Lecture by Steven Levitsky, 110 California Law Review 101-116 (2022).

Constitutional Design Options for Territorial Cleavages in the Middle East, in Federalism and Decentralization in the Contemporary Middle East, Asli Bali and Omar Dajani, eds., (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2022).

The Future of Liberal Democracy in the International Legal Order, in Is the International Legal Order Unraveling? (David L. Sloss ed., Oxford University Press, 2022)

Some Advice on Constitutional Advice, 3 European Yearbook of Constitutional Law 13-29 (2022)

State of the Field, in Constitutionalism in Context. David S. Law, ed. (Cambridge University Press, 2022.)


Judicial Behavior Research in East Asia, in Nuno Garoupa, Rebecca D. Gill and Lydia B. Tiede, eds. High Courts in Global Perspective 232-49 (University of Virginia Press, 2021, with Chien-chih Lin)

Asia’s Illiberal Governments, in Routledge Handbook of Political Liberalism, Eds: András Sajó, Stephen Holmes and Renáta Uitz 713-24 (Routledge 2021).

On Disruption and Leximetrics: A Reply to Niels Petersen and Konstantin Chatziathanasiou, 19 International Journal of Constitutional Law 1835 (2021) (with Zachary Elkins).

The Social Science Approach to International Law, Chicago Journal of International Law 22: 1-23 (2021) (lead essay for symposium, with Daniel Abebe and Adam Chilton)

The Bound Executive: Emergency Powers during the Pandemic, International Journal of Constitutional Law 19: 1498–1535 (2021) (with Mila Versteeg).


COVID and the US Constitution,  in COVID-19 and Constitutional Law (Jose Maria de Serna, ed., UNAM, 2020) (reprinted in Cesar Landa, ed., TITLE, Lima, Peru).

Law and Literature after the Pacific War: Endō Shūsaku’s The Sea and the Poison, in Cannons and Codes: Law, Literature and America’s Wars 228-42 (Alison L. LaCroix, Jonathan S. Masur, Martha C. Nussbaum and Laura Weinrib, eds., Oxford University Press, 2021)

“It’s the Economy Stupid: Notes on a Continuing Conversation,” 49 Revista Derecho Del Estado Derecho Constitucional 15-33 (2021).

What Can We Learn from Written Constitutions?, 24 Annual Review of Political Science 321 (2021)(with Zachary Elkins).

Substitutes, Complements and Irritants: Garza v. Lappin and the Role of International Law in U.S. Courts, 87 University of Chicago Law Review, 2357-76 (2021).

The Comparative Constitutional Law of Presidential Impeachment, 87 University of Chicago Law Review 81-164 (2021) (with Aziz Huq and David Landau).

How Authoritarians Use International Law, Journal of Democracy, 31(4): 44-58 (October 2020).

Constitutional Endurance, in Routledge Handbook of Comparative Constitutional Change, Xenophōn Kontiadēs & Alkmene Fotiadou, eds. (Routledge, 2020). 

Proceso Constituyente Participativo e Innovación Constitutioncial, in Doscienas mil voces: Ecos y aprendizajes del proceso constituyente del gobierno de Michelle Bachelet 57-68 (Rodrigo Araya, ed., Ediciones Abierta, 2020).

Democratic Erosion Without Prerequisites? Poland and the Two Liberalisms, in Liber Amicorum Woijiech Sadurski 51-62 (Ulad Belavusau and Aleksandra Gliszczynska-Grabias, eds., Oxford University Press, 2020).

Thailand’s Democratic Moment, in Gabriel Negretto, ed., Redrafting Constitutions in Democratic Orders 175- 89 (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2020).

Beyond Window Dressing: The Content of Authoritarian Constitutions, in Modern Constitutions 133-53 (Rogers Smith and Richard M. Beeman, eds., University of Pennsylvania Press, 2020).

From Signal to Legality: Meiji Japan and Authoritarian Constitutionalism, in Weitseng Chen, ed., Authoritarian Legality in Asia: Formation, Development and Transition (Cambridge University Press, 2020).

Democracy without Democrats, 6 Constitutional Studies 165-87 (2020) (with Aziz Z. Huq).

The Machinery of International Law and Democratic Backsliding: The Problem of Term Limits, 14 Law & Ethics in Human Rights 1-18 (May 2020), reprinted in Constitutionalism: Old Dilemmas, New Insights, Proceedings from the XIII Academic Conference of the Colombian Constitutional Court, Alejandro Linares-Castillo, ed., Oxford University Press, 2021).

Authoritarian International Law, 114 American Journal of International Law 221-60 (April 2020) [excerpted in Mary Ellen O’Connell et al, The International Legal System: Cases and Materials (2022)].


Comment on “Constitutional Courts in Asia” by Albert Hung-yee Chen. In Beyond the Globalization: In Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the Institute of Comparative Law in Japan. (Tokyo: Chuo University Institute of Comparative Law in Japan 2020), pp. 245-49.

The Trump Administration, Democracy and American Constitutional Law, in Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of Constitutional Interpretation, (Taipei: Judicial Yuan, 2020) pp. 189-208.

Introduction: The Theory and Practice of Constitutional Implementation, in From Parchment to Practice: Implementing New Constitutions (Cambridge University Press, 2020) (with Aziz Z. Huq).

Transformational Authoritarian Constitutions: The Case of Chile, in From Parchment to Practice: Implementing New Constitutions (Cambridge University Press, 2020).

Moderation and Monarchy Mitigate Populism: How Norway’s Democracy Endures, in Uten sammenligning: Festkrift til Eivind Smith 70 år 279-92, University of Oslo (March 2020)

Political Theory of International Adjudication, Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law, ed. Helene Ruiz-Fabri, et al. 2020.

Charismatic Fictions and Constitutional Politics, in Revolutionary Constitutionalism (Richard Albert, ed., 2020) 115-31.


Introduction: Liberal Constitutions During Financial Crisis, in Constitutions in Times of Financial Crisis 3-17 (Cambridge University Press, 2019) (with Mark Rosen and Georg Vanberg).

Balanced Budget Provisions in Constitutions, in Constitutions in Times of Financial Crisis 58-70 (Cambridge University Press, 2019).

International Courts and Democratic Backsliding, 46 Ecology Law Quarterly 111-24; 37 Berkeley Journal Of International Law 265-88 (2019).

Rebel Use of Law and Courts, Annual Review of Law and Social Science 15:7.1–7.13 (2019).

Constitutional Epistemology, in David S. Law and Malcolm Langford, eds., Research Methods in Constitutional Law: A Handbook (Edward Elgar, 2019)

China’s Turn Toward Law, 59 Virginia Journal of International Law 279 (2019)(with Taisu Zhang).

The Dejudicialization of International Politics, 63(3) International Studies Quarterly 521-30 (2019).

Constitutional Advice and Transnational Legal Order, in Constitution-making and Transnational Legal Order 26-54 (Cambridge University Press, 2019).

Constitution-Making as Transnational Legal Ordering, Constitution-making and Transnational Legal Order 1-26 (Cambridge University Press, 2019) (with Gregory Shaffer and Terence C. Halliday).

One Size Does Not Fit All: The Provision and Interpretation of Presidential Term Limits, in Alexander Baturo and Robert Elgie, eds., The Politics of Presidential Term Limits, (Oxford University Press, 2019) (with Zachary Elkins).

From Catalonia to California: Secession in Constitutional Law​, 70 Alabama Law Review 923-85 (2019) (with Mila Versteeg). 

Constitutional Design and Territorial Cleavages, in Territory and Power in Constitutional Transitions 352-73  (George Anderson and Sujit Choudhry, eds., Oxford University Press, 2019)

La difusion mondial del control constitucional in Veinte Años no es nada: La Suprema Corte y la justicia constitutcional antes y después de la reforma judicial de 1994 (Supreme Court of Mexico (Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación) and Centro de Estudios Constitutonales 2019) pp. 1-33.


Defining and Tracking the Trajectory of Liberal Constitutional Democracy, in Constitutional Democracy in Crisis (Oxford University Press, 2018) (with Aziz Z. Huq).


Comparative Foreign Relations Law: A National Constitutions Perspective, in Curtis Bradley, ed. Oxford Handbook of Comparative Foreign Relations Law (Oxford 2019).



Freedom of Expression Abroad: The State of Play, in Lee C. Bollinger and Geoffrey R. Stone, eds., The Free Speeech Century 193-210 (Oxford University Press).


Avoiding Rights: The Constitutional Court of Mongolia. In Albert Chen and Andrew Harding, eds., Constitutional Courts in Asia 168-83 (2018, with Ch. Enkhbaatar).


Democracy’s Near Misses, 29 Journal of Democracy 16-30 (Oct. 2018) (with Aziz Z. Huq).

Difficulties in Measuring the Rule of Law, in Christopher May and Adam Winchester, eds. Handbook of the Rule of Law 48-56 (Edward Elgar, 2018).


Constitutions as Political Insurance: Variants and Limits, in Comparative Judicial Review, Rosalind Dixon & Erin Delaney, eds. (Edward Elgar, 2018) (with Rosalind Dixon).


Optimal Design of Guest Worker Programs: An Introduction, 47 Journal of Legal Studies 1 (2018) (with Adam S. Chilton & Eric Posner).


Circles of Trust: A Proposal for Better Migrant Screening, 47 Journal of Legal Studies S229 (2018) (with Alberto Simpser).


Playing with Time: Constitutions in an Unstable Age, in Towards Shockproof European Legal and Governance Strategies, Stavros Zouridis, Sam Muller & Peter Polakovic, eds. (Torkel Opsahl Academic, 2018).


The Jurisprudence of Anti-Erosion, 66 Drake Law Review 823 (2018).


Democratic Backsliding and the Rule of Law, 44 Ohio Northern University Law Review 351 (2018).


The Coming Decline of Liberal Constitutionalism, University of Chicago Law Review 85: 239-55 (2018) (with Aziz Huq and Mila Versteeg).


Constitutional Drafting in Latin America: A Quantitative Perspective, in Constitutionalism in the Americas (Colin Crawford and Daniel Bonilla Maldonado, eds, Edward Elgar, 2018) (with David Law) (reprinted from El constitucionalismo en el continente americano, Daniel Bonilla ed., Siglo del Hombre Editores 2015).


How We Lost Constitutional Democracy, in Cass Sunstein, ed. Can it Happen Here? Authoritarianism In America 135-56 (HarperCollins 2018) (with Aziz Huq).


Constitutional Knowledge, Know: A Journal on the Formation of Knowledge 15-29 (Spring 2018).


How to Lose a Constitutional Democracy, 65 UCLA Law Review 78- 169 (with Aziz Huq) excerpted in Current Debates in Comparative Politics, 2d ed.  J. Tyler Dickovick & Jonathan Eastwood, eds. (Oxford University Press, 2019)


Objections to Reservations: A Decentralized Approach to Treaty Interpretation, in Comparative International Law 231-50 (Anthea Roberts, et al. Oxford University Press, 2018).


The Rule of Law and Democratic Governance in East Asia, in Routledge Handbook of Democratization in East Asia (Tun-jen Chang and Yun-han Chu, eds., New York: Routledge, 2018) 377-88.


The Cultural Evolution of National Constitutions, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 69(3): 483-494 (2018)  (with Daniel Rockmore, David Krakauer, and Chen Fang).



The Forms and Limits of Constitutions as Political Insurance, International Journal of Constitutional Law 15: 988-1012 (2017) (with Rosalind Dixon).

Constitutional Advice and Transnational Legal Order, UC Irvine Journal of Transnational Law 2: 5-32 (2017).

Constitutions and Foreign Relations Law: The Dynamics of Substitutes and Complements, American Journal of International Law Unbound 111:326-30 (2017)

トランプ政権とアメリカ憲法 : 初期のレポート (総会プログラム アメリカ法と日本法 [The Trump Administration and America’s Constitution] Amerika Hō

When Courts Compete: A Reputational Perspective, in Human Rights in the Contemporary World: Essays in Honour of Professor Leszek Garlicki 61-71 (Warsaw: Wydwanictwo Sejmowe, 2017)


The Design of Constitutions, in 3 Oxford Handbook of Law & Economics 28-37 (Francesco Parisi, ed., 2017)


The Scholar as Reformer, in The Legal Process in Contemporary Japan: A Festchrift in Honor of Professor Setsuo Miyazawa’s 70th Birthday 583-92 (Tokyo: Shinzansha).


The Concepts of Law, 84 University of Chicago Law Review 147-76 (2017) (with Nicholas Stephanopoulos).


Constitutional Correlates of the Rule of Law, in Constitutionalism And Rule Of Law – Bridging Idealism And Realism (Maurice Adams and Anne Meuwese, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2017) pp. 506-25 (with Mila Versteeg).


The Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a Constitutional Model, in Human Rights of By and For the People: How to Critique and Change the US Constitution (Keri E. Iyall Smith, Louis Edgar Esparza and Judith R. Blau, eds., Routledge 2017) 174-85 (with Zachary Elkins and James Melton).


Playing for Constitutional Time: Interim Constitutions & Transitional Provisions, in Saul Levmore and Frank Fagan, eds., The Timing of Lawmaking pp. 110-29 (Edward Elgar) (with Eric Alston).



The Interaction of Domestic and International Law, in Economic Analysis of International Law (Eugene Kontorovich and Francesco Parisi, eds; Edward Elgar, 2016) pp. 204-20.


Special Economic Zones: A Constitutional Political Economy Perspective. Pp. 119-29 in Special Economic Zones: Experiments in Local Deregulation, Ed. by Jürgen Basedow and Toshiyuki Kono. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.


How to Study Constitution-Making: Hirschl, Elster and the Seventh Inning Problem, 96 Boston U. L. Rev. 1347-1358 (July 2016)


On the Influence of Magna Carta and Other Cultural Relics, International Review of Law and Economics (2016) (with James Melton and Zachary Elkins).


The Assault on Postcommunist Courts, Journal of Democracy 27(3): 69-82. (2016) (with Bojan Bugaric)


Measuring the Rule of Law: A Comparison of Indicators, Law and Social Inquiry 42: 100-37 doi: 10.1111/lsi.12175 (2016) (with Mila Versteeg) [followed by online Forum response Measuring the Rule of Law: Pushing Forward, 2 LSI Forum 10-12 (2016) & excerpted in Cambridge Companion to the Global Rule of Law, edited by Martin Loughlin and Jens Meierhenrich, 2021].


            Setting an Agenda for the Socio-Legal Study of Contemporary Buddhism, Asian Journal of Law and Society 3:1-16 (introduction to special issue, co-edited with Benjamin Schonthal).


El Factor "Inclusion" en el Processo Constituyente: Lecciones de la Experienca Comparada, in Cambio Constitucional en Democracia 55-59 (Pamela Figueroa & Tomás Jordán, eds., Santiago: Ministerio de Secretaría del Presidencia, Republica de Chile) (Seminario Internacional Cambio Constitucional en Democracia (2015 : Santiago de Chile)



Constitutions as Political Institutions.  In Routledge Handbook of Comparative Political Institutions, edited by Jennifer Gandhi and Rubén Ruiz-Rufino. Abingdon, UK: Routledge


Does the constitutional amendment rule matter at all?: Amendment Cultures and the Challenge of Measuring Amendment Difficulty. International Journal of Constitutional Law 13:686-713 (with James Melton).


Foreword: Asia's Changing Legal and Judicial Landscape, in East Asia's Renewed Respect for the Rule of Law in the 21st Century: The Future of Legal and Judicial Landscapes in East Asia, Setsuo Miyazawa, Weidong Ji, Hiroshi Fukurai, Kay-Wah Chan & Matthias Vanhullebusch eds. (Brill, 2015).


Korea and the Reform of the Northeast Asian Legal Complex, in The Spirit of Korean Law: Korean Legal History in Context, Marie Kim ed. (Brill, 2015).


Introducción, en El Rol de la Suprema Corte en la Consolidación Democrática en México (edited by Maria Andrea Castagnola and Saul Lopez Noriega). Mexico City (Spanish) (translated as Judicial Politics in Mexico: the Supreme Court and the Transition to Democracy, Routledge, 2016).


Constitutional Interpretation in Law-Making: China's Invisible Constitutional Enforcement Mechanism, 63 American Journal of Comparative Law 467-92 (2015) (with Yan Lin).



The Teaching/ Research Trade-Off in Law: Data From the Right Tail, 39(1) Evaluation Review 46-81 (2014) (with Thomas J. Miles).


[Dis-]Informing the People's Discretion: Judicial Deference Under the National Security Exemption of the Freedom of Information Act, 66(4) Administrative Law Review 725-84 (2014) (with Susan Nevelow Mart).


Stjórnarskrárgerd á Tímum Gagnæis: Ísland í Samanburdi Vid Önnur Lönd, in Lýðræðistilraunir. Ísland í hruni og endurreisn 57-74 (Jón Ólafsson, ed., 2014) (with Zachary Elkins) (Icelandic).


Fordelene Ved Evolusjon I En Revolusjonær Tidsalder: Norges varige grunnlov I et komparativt perspektiv, 31 Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift 3: 225-237 (2014) (Norwegian).


Constitute: The World’s Constitutions to Read, Search and Compare, Web Semantics                       (September 2014) (with Zachary Elkins, James Melton, Robert Shaffer, Juan F. Sequeda and Daniel Miranker).

Does De Jure Judicial Independence Really Matter? A Reevaluation of Explanations for Judicial Independence, Journal of Law and Courts 2: 187-217 (Fall 2014) (with James Melton).


Constitutional Islamization and Human Rights: The Surprising Origin and Spread of Islamic Supremacy in Constitutions, Virginia Journal of International Law (2014) (with Dawood Ahmed).


We the Peoples: The Global Origins of Constitutional Preambles,46 George Washington International Law Review 305-40 (2014) (with Daniel Rockmore and Nick Foti) (translated into Spanish in as Nosotros, el pueblo: los origenes globales de los preámbulos constitucionales,” 1 Revista Mexicana de Cultura Política, Issue No. 4, 63-109 (2014)). 


What Can Constitutions Do?: The Afghan Case, 24 Journal of Democracy 116 (2014)(with Aziz Huq).


Chaining the Dogs of War: Comparative Data, Chicago Journal of International Law 15: 138-62 (2014).


Fruto de la parra envenenada? Algunas observaciones comparadas sobre law Constitución chilena (Fruit of the Poisoned Vine? Some Comparative Observations on Chile’s Constitution), Estudios Politicos 133: 1-36 (2014) (in Spanish).


Property Rights and Economic Development in Northeast Asia, in Festschrift zu Ehren von Christian Kirchner: Recht im ökonomischen Kontext 785-98 (Wulf A. Kaal, Matthias Schmidt und Andreas Schwartze, eds., Mohr Siebeck Tübingen., 2014).


Introduction, in Comparative Constitutional Law in Asia 1-22 (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2014) (with Rosalind Dixon).


Participation in Constitutional Design: Asian Exceptionalism, in Comparative Constitutional Law in Asia 23-46 (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2014) (with Justin Blount).


Constitutional Courts in Asia, in Comparative Constitutional Law in Asia 47-79 (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2014).


East Asian Constitutionalism in Comparative Perspective, in, Constitutionalism in Asia in the Early 21st Century 32-51 (Albert H. Y. Chen, ed., 2014).


Libertarian Paternalism, Path Dependence, and Temporary Law, 81 University of Chicago Law Review 291-359 (2014) (with Jonathan Masur and Richard McAdams).


The Politics of Law and Development in Middle-Income Countries, in Law and Development in Middle Income Countries (Cambridge University Press, 2014) (with Randall Peerenboom).



An Epidemiological Analysis of Constitutional Mortality, in Law and Politics: Critical Concepts in Political Science v. 4, Comparative and International Issues (Routledge) (with Zachary Elkins and James Melton).


The Politics of Courts in Democratization: Four Junctures in Asia in Consequential Courts: Judicial Roles in Global Perspective (Cambridge University Press, 2013).


Constitutions as Contract, Constitutions as Charter, in Social and Political Foundations of Constitutions (Cambridge University Press, 2013).

Introduction: Constitutions in Authoritarian Regimes, in Constitutions in Authoritarian Regimes (Cambridge University Press, 2013) (with Alberto Simpser).


The Content of Authoritarian Constitutions, in Constitutions in Authoritarian Regimes, Cambridge University Press, 2013) (with Zachary Elkins and James Melton).


Political Constraints on International Courts, in Oxford Handbook of International Adjudication (Karen Alter, Cesare Romano and Yuval Shany, eds., 2013).


Judicial Roles in Nonjudicial Functions, 12 Wash. U. Global Studies L. Rev. 755-82 (2013) (with Nuno Garoupa).


Why Do Countries Adopt Constitutional Review? Journal of Law, Economics and Organization (2013); doi: 10.1093/jleo/ewt008 (with Mila Versteeg).


Beyond Presidentialism and Parliamentarism, British J. Political Science 43: 513-44 (2014) (with Jose Cheibub and Zachary Elkins).


The South African Constitutional Court and Socio-economic Rights as ‘Insurance Swaps’, 11 South Africa Constitutional Court Review 1 (2011), reprinted in Coase-Sandor Institute for Law and Economics Working Paper, No. 650 (2013)  & reprinted in Public Law & Legal Theory Working Papers, No. 436 (2013).  


When to Overthrow your Government: The Right to Resist in the World’s Constitutions, 60 UCLA Law Review 1184-1260 (2013) (with Daniel Lansberg-Rodriguez and Mila Versteeg).


On the Interpretability of Law: Lessons from the Decoding of National Constitutions, 43 British J. Political Science 399-243 (2013) (with James Melton, Zachary Elkins and Kalev Leetaru).


Getting to Rights: Treaty Ratification, Constitutional Convergence, and Human Rights Practice, 51(4) Harvard Journal of International Law 201-34 (2013), followed by online symposium response Getting to the Right Answers on Rights (http://opiniojuris.org/2013/03/06/hilj-symposium-getting-to-the-right-answers-about-             rights) (with Zachary Elkins and Beth Simmons).


The Judicialization of Japanese Politics? in The Japanese Legal System: An Era of Transition, (Tom Ginsburg and Harry Scheiber, eds., Berkeley: Robbins Collection Publishers, 2013) (with Tokujin Matsudaira).



Still the Land of Presidentialism? Executives and the Latin American Constitution, in                      Detlef Nolte and Almut Schilling-Vacaflor, eds. New Constitutionalism In Latin America: Promises and Practices 73-99 (Ashgate, 2012) (with Zachary Elkins and Jose Cheibub).


            rsteeg’s the Declining Influence of the United States                                     Constitution, 87 N.Y.U. L. Rev. 2088 (2012) (with Zachary Elkins and James Melton).


Constitutionalism: East Asian Antecedents, 88 Chi-Kent L. Rev. 11-33 (2012).


Japanese Law and Asian Development, in Law and Development in Asia 68-88(Gerald Paul McAllin and Caslav Pejovic, eds) New York: Routledge (2012)

Courts and Democracies: Recent Works, 37 Law and Social Inquiry 720-42 (2012).


Constitutional Law and Courts, in Research Handbook on Comparative Law and Society, (David Clark, ed., Edward Elgar Publishing 2012).


The Judicialization of Japanese Politics, in Bjoern Dressel, ed., The Judicialization of Politics in Asia 17-36 (Routledge 2012).


The Empirical Turn in International Legal Scholarship, 106 American Journal of International Law 1-46 (2012) (with Gregory Shaffer).


Lawrence M. Friedman’s Comparative Law, with Notes on Japan, 5:2 Journal of Comparative Law 92-103 (2010, appearing 2012), reprinted in Using Legal Culture  (David Nelken, ed., Wiley, Simmonds and Hill, 2012).


Deciding Not to Decide: Deferral in Constitutional Design, 9 International               Journal of Constitutional Law 636-72 (2012) (with Rosalind Dixon).


Hybrid Judicial Career Structures: Reputation vs. Legal Tradition 3 J. Legal Analysis                         1-38 (2012) (with Nuno Garoupa).


An Economic Analysis of the Pashtunwali, U. Chicago Legal Forum 89 (2011) (translated into Dari in 2 Yearbook of Afghan Legal Studies (1395 / 2016))


The South African Constitutional Court and Socio-Economic Rights as 'Insurance Swaps' 4 Const Court Review 1-29 (with Rosalind Dixon).


Building Reputation In Constitutional Courts: Political And Judicial Audiences, 28 Arizona J. Int’l and Comp. L 539-68 (2011) (with Nuno Garoupa).


The Future of National Constitutions in a Global World, in The Law of the Future and the Future of Law (Sam Muller, et al., eds., Torkel Opsahl Academic Publishers, 2011).


Pitfalls of Measuring the Rule of Law, 3 Hague J. Rule of Law 269-80 (2011).


Empiricism and the Rising Incidence of Co-authorship in Law, 2011 U. Ill. L. Rev. 101-41 (2011) (with Thomas Miles).


Constitutional Endurance, in Comparative Constitutional Law (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2011).


In Defense of Imperialism: The Rule of Law and the State-Building Project, in Nomos: Getting to the Rule of Law (James Fleming, ed., 2011)(Nomos: Yearbook of the American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy, No. 50).


Latin American Presidentialism in Comparative and Historical Perspective, 89 Texas L. Rev. 1707-31 (2011) (with Jose Cheibub and Zachary Elkins).


The Politics of Courts in Democratization, in Global Perspectives on the Rule of Law (James J. Heckman, Robert L. Nelson and Lee Cabatingan, eds., 2011).


Reputation, Information and the Organization of the Judiciary, 4:2 Journal of Comparative Law 226-54 (2011) (with Nuno Garoupa).


On the Evasion of Executive Term Limits, 52 Wm and Mary L. Rev. 1807-72 (2011) (with James Melton and Zachary Elkins).


Lawrence Friedman’s Comparative Law in Law, Society and History:  Essays on Themes in the Legal History and Legal Sociology of Lawrence M. Friedman  52-64 (Robert Gordon and Morton J. Horwitz, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2011).


The Politics of Constitutional Courts: Four Moments in Asia, Proceedings of Thammasat University Conference on Law in a Changing World, 2011.


Constitutional Specificity: Some Preliminary Investigations in Future of Comparative Study of Law (Chuo University Press, 2011).



Eastphalia and East Asian Regionalism, 44 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 859-77 (2010).


Written Constitutions and the Administrative State: On the Constitutional Character of Administrative Law, in Comparative Administrative Law 117-27 (Susan Rose-Ackerman and Peter Lindseth, eds., Edward Elgar, 2010) (translated into Spanish as Constituciones escritas y el Estado administrativo: El caracter constitutonal del derecho administrativo in Perspectivas Comparadas de la Justicia Administrativa, Mexico City: CIDE, 2017; translated into Turkish as Yazılı Anayasalar ve İdari Devlet: İdare Hukukunun Anayasal Karakteri Üzerine in Marmara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Hukuk Araştırmaları Dergisi,  25(1): 480-92 (2019) (translated by Nuray Sümer & Gökhan Sümer).


Constitutional Specificity, Unwritten Understandings and Constitutional Agreement, pp 66-93 in Constitutional Topography: Values and Constitutions (Andras Sajo and Renata Utz, eds., 2010)


How Does International Law Work? In Oxford Handbook of Empirical Legal Research 753 -82 (Peter Cane and Herbert Kritzer, eds., 2010)  (with Gregory Shaffer).


Subconstitutionalism, 62 Stanford L. Rev. 1583 (2010) (with Eric Posner).


National Courts, Domestic Democracy, and the Evolution of International Law: A Reply to Eyal Benvenisti and George Downs, 20:4 European Journal of International Law 1021-26 (2010).


Studying Japanese Law Because it’s There, 58 American Journal of Comparative Law 15-25 (2010).


Public Choice and Constitutional Design, Handbook of Public Choice (Daniel Farber and Anne Joseph O’Connell, eds., Edward Elgar Publishing, 2010).


The Arbitrator as Agent: Why Deferential Review is not Always Pro-Arbitration, 77 U. Chicago L. Rev. 1013-26 (2010) [translated into Chinese and published in 123 Arbitration and Law 86-103, CIETAC, 2012).


Eastphalia as a Return to Westphalia, 17 Indiana J. Global Leg. Studies 27-45 (2010).


Judicial Independence in East Asia: Implications for China, in Judicial Independence in China (Randall Peerenboom, ed., Cambridge University Press, 2010).



Economic Analysis and Comparative Law, in Cambridge Companion to Comparative Law (Mauro Bussani, ed., 2009) (with Nuno Garoupa).


Judicial Audiences and Reputation: Perspectives from Comparative Law 47 Colum. J. Transnat’l L. 451-90 (2009) (with Nuno Garoupa).


The Constitutional Court and the Judicialization of Korean Politics, in New Courts in Asia (Andrew Harding, et al eds., Routledge 2009), reprinted in Public Law in East Asia (Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2013).


The Relationship between Constitutional and International Devices to Protect Minority Rights, 1 Journal of the Center for Minority Studies, Kansai University (2009).


Ancillary Powers of Constitutional Courts, 87(7) Texas L. Rev.1432-61 (2009) (with Zachary Elkins).


Constitutional Afterlife: The Continuing Impact of Thailand’s Post-Political Constitution,    7(1) International Journal of Constitutional Law 83-105 (2009), reprinted in Public Law in East Asia (Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2013).


Does the Process of Constitution-Making Matter? in 5 Annual Review of Law and Social Science 201-24 (2009) (with Zachary Elkins and Justin Blount).


Guarding the Guardians: Judicial Councils and Judicial Independence, 57 American Journal of Comparative Law 201-32 (2009) (with Nuno Garoupa).


International Delegation and State Disaggregation, 20(3) Constitutional Political Economy 323-40 (2009).


The Clash of Commitments at the International Criminal Court, 9 Chicago Journal of International Law 499-514 (2009).


Constitutional Courts in East Asia: Understanding Variation, 3(2) Journal of Comparative Law 3 80-100 (2008), reprinted in Constitutional Courts: A Comparative  Study, (Andrew Harding and Peter Leyland, eds., Wildy, Simmons and Hill Publishing, 2009) & reprinted in Comparative Constitutional Law in Asia (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2014).


The Effects of Liberalization on Litigation: Notes Toward a Theory in the Context of Japan, 8 Wash U. Global Stud. L. Rev. 303-15 (2009), reprinted in Law and Society in East Asia (Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2013).


The Judicialization of Administrative Governance: Causes, Consequences and Limits, in Administrative Law and Governance in Asia: Comparative Perspectives 1-20  (Tom Ginsburg and Albert Chen, eds., Routledge University Press, 2009).



Citizen as Founder: Public Participation in Constitutional Approval, 81 Temple U. L. Rev. 361-82 (2008) (with Justin Blount and Zachary Elkins) (published in Spanish as Ciudadano Como Fundador: la Participacion Publica en el diseno constitutional, in 1 Rivista Latinoamerica de Politica Comparada 119-53) (2008).


Military Occupations and their Constitutional Residue, 19-2 APSA-CP Newsletter, 7-10 (2008).


The Comparative Law and Economics of Judicial Councils, 27(1) Berkeley Journal of International Law 53-83 (2008) (with Nuno Garoupa).


Administrative Law and the Judicial Control of Agents in Authoritarian Regimes, in Rule By Law: The Politics of Courts in Authoritarian Regimes (Tom Ginsburg and Tamir Moustafa, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2008).


Introduction: The Politics of Courts in Authoritarian Regimes, in Rule By Law: The Politics of Courts in Authoritarian Regimes 1-22 (Tom Ginsburg and Tamir Moustafa, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2008) (with Tamir Moustafa).


The Politics of Transparency in Japanese Administrative Law, in Law in Japan: A Turning Point 304-11 (Daniel Foote, ed., University of Washington Press, 2008).


Symposium Introduction: Public International Law and Economics, 2008 U. Ill. L. Rev. 101-37 (2008) (with Anne van Aaken and Christoph Engel).


Commitment and Diffusion: Why Constitutions Incorporate International Law, 2008 U. Ill. L. Rev. 201-38 (2008) (with Svitlana Chernykh and Zachary Elkins).


Baghdad, Tokyo, Kabul: Constitution-making in Occupied States, 49 William and Mary Law Review 1139-78 (2008) (with Zachary Elkins and James Melton).


The Global Spread of Judicial Review, in Oxford Handbook of Law and Politics (Keith Whittington and Daniel Keleman, eds., 2008). (translated into Vietnamese as Thắng lợi toàn cầu của tài phán Hiến pháp"  Pháp luật và Phát triển [Law and Development] No. 1+2 (2013): 75 – 96)



Lessons for Democratic Transitions: Case Studies from Asia, Orbis (Dec. 2007).


Odious Debt, Odious Credit, Economic Development and Democratization, 70 Law and Contemporary Problems 115-36 (2007) (with Thomas Ulen).


Gobierno Judicial y Consejo Judiciales: una Mirada desde el Derecho y law Economía, in Reforma Al Poder Judicial: Gobierno Judicial, Corte Suprema y Gestión  41-75 (José Francisco García, et al., eds. 2007) (with Nuno Garoupa).


Law and the Liberal Transformation of the Northeast Asian Legal Complex in Korea and   Taiwan, in Fighting for Political Freedom: Comparative Studies of the Legal Complex and Political Liberalism 43- 63 (Terrence Halliday, Lucien Karpik and Malcolm Feeley, eds., Hart Publishing, 2007).


What We Know and What We Don’t Know About Law and Economic Development, in Research in Institutional Economics (Shao-an Huang, ed., Beijing: Economic Science Press, 2007) (in Chinese).



Irrational War and Constitutional Design: A Reply to Professors Nzelibe and Yoo, 27 Mich. J. Int’l L. 1239-59 (2006) (with Paul Diehl), excerpted in Thomas M. Franck, Michael J. Glennon and Sean Murphy, Foreign Relations and National Security Law (3rd edition, 2008).


Locking in Democracy: Constitutions, Commitment and International Law, 38 NYU J.Int’l L. and Politics 707-59 (2006).


Takao Tanase, Japanese Litigiousness and “Taking Kawashima Seriously,” Proceedings from the 2005 Sho Sato Conference in Honor of Takao Tanase, Institute of Legal Research, 2006).


The Unreluctant Litigant? Japan’s Turn toward Litigation, 35 Journal of Legal Studies 31-62 (2006) (with Glenn Hoetker), excerpted in The Japanese Legal System (Curtis Milhaupt, Mark Ramseyer and Mark West, eds., 2006), reprinted in Emerging Concepts of Rights in Japanese Law (Laurent Mayali and Harry Scheiber, eds., Berkeley, 2007).


The Warren Court in East Asia: An Essay in Comparative Law, in The Warren Court: A Retrospective (Harry Scheiber, ed., University of California Institute of Governmental Studies, 2006).


The Regulation of Regulation, in Corporate Governance in Context: Corporations, States and Markets in Europe, Japan and the U.S. 321-38 (Eddy Wymersch, Hideki Kanda, Harald Baum and Klaus Hopt., eds., Oxford University Press, 2006).



International Judicial Lawmaking, in International Conflict Resolution 155-82 (Stefan Voigt, Max Albert, and Dieter Schmitchen, eds., Mohr Siebeck, 2005).


Constitutional Engineering in Taiwan: The Implications of Global Trends, in Zhu quan, xian fa yu Taiwan de wei lai / cai tuan fa ren Taiwan fa xue hui zhu bian. 主權, 憲法與台灣的未來 / 財團法人臺灣法學會主編. Taipei : Taiwan fa xue hui, 2006.


Beyond Judicial Review: Ancillary Powers of Constitutional Courts, in Institutions and Public Law: Comparative Approaches 225-44 (Peter Lang Publishing, 2005).


The State of Sovereignty inn Southeast Asia, 99 American Society of International Law Proceedings 419 (2005).


Bounded Discretion in International Judicial Lawmaking, 45 Virginia Journal of International Law 631-73 (2005).


International Substitutes for Domestic Institutions, 25 International Review of Law and Economics 107 (2005).


Constitutional Courts, in Encyclopedia of Law and Society (David S. Clark, ed.,Sage Publications, 2005).





Adjudicating in Anarchy: An Expressive Theory of International Dispute Resolution, 45 William and Mary Law Review 1229 (2004) (with Richard McAdams).


The Market for Elite Law Firm Associates, 31 Florida State Law Review 909 (2004) (with Jeffrey A Wolf).


Democracy, Markets and Doomsaying: Review Essay on Amy Chua’s World on Fire, 22 Berkeley Journal of International Law 310 (2004).


Transforming Legal Education in Japan and Korea, 22 Pennsylvania State International Law Review 433 (2004).



The Culture of Arbitration, 36 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 1335 (2003).


East Asian Regulatory Informalism: Implications for Post-Communist Countries, in Law and Informal Practices: The Post-Communist Experience (Marina Kurkchiyan and Denis Galligan, eds., Oxford University Press, 2003).



System Change?  A New Perspective on Japan’s Administrative Procedures Law, in The Multiple Worlds of Japanese Law, supra, reprinted in Zeitschrift für Japanisches Recht, Heft 13 (2002).


Becoming an International Arbitrator: Qualifications, Disclosures, Conduct and                              Removal, in The Practitioners Handbook of International Arbitration and Mediation (Rufus V. Rhoades, et al., ed., Juris Publishing 2002) (with Richard M. Mosk).


Ways of Criticizing Public Choice: Empiricism and the Use of Theory in Legal Scholarship, 2002 University of Illinois Law Review 1139 (2002), reprinted in Public Choice and Public Law (Daniel Farber ed., 2007) and Foundations of Law and Economics, Robert Cooter and Francesco Parisi, eds., 2009).


Confucian Constitutionalism? Globalization and Judicial Review in Korea and Taiwan, 27:4 Law and Social Inquiry 763-800 (2002).


Comparative Administrative Procedure: Evidence from Northeast Asia, 13:3 Constitutional Political Economy 247-64 (2002).


Constitutional Courts in New Democracies: Understanding Variation in East Asia, 2:1 Global Jurist Advances, Article 4  (2002).


Economic Analysis and the Design of Constitutional Courts, 3 Theoretical Inquiries in Law 49 (Jan. 2002) (translated into Rumanian and published in Cluj, 2004).



Dismantling the Developmental State? Administrative Procedure Reform in Japan and Korea, 49 American Journal of Comparative Law 585 (Fall 2001).


When Courts and Politics Collide: Mongolia’s Constitutional Crisis, 14 Columbia Journal of Asian Law 309 (Spring 2001) (with G. Ganzorig), reprinted in Public Law in East Asia (Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2013).


Evidentiary Privileges in International Arbitration, 50 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 345 (April 2001) (with Richard M. Mosk).


In Defense of Japanese Law, in The Multiple Worlds of Japanese Law, supra, reprinted in Zeitschrift für Japanisches Recht, Heft 12, 2001.



Does Law Matter for Economic Development? Evidence from East Asia (Review Essay), 34(3) Law and Society Review 829-56 (2000) (in Chinese).



Nationalism, Elites and Mongolia’s Rapid Transformation, in Mongolia in the Twentieth Century: Landlocked Cosmopolitan (Stephen Kotkin and Bruce A. Elleman, eds., 1999).


Dissenting Opinions in International Arbitration in Liber Amicorum Bengt Broms (Helsinki: Finnish International Law Association, 1999) (with Richard M. Mosk).


Division of Powers in the European Union Constitution, in The New Palgrave Dictionary of Law and Economics (P. Newman, ed., 1998) (with Robert Cooter).



Comparing Judicial Discretion in Industrial Democracies, in European Constitutional Law and Economics, (Dieter Schmidtgen and Robert Cooter, eds., 1997) (with Robert Cooter).



Constitutionalism and Human Rights in Mongolia in Mongolia in Transition (O. Bruun and O. Odgaard, eds.1996) (with G. Ganzorig).


Comparing Judicial Discretion: An Empirical Test of Economic Models, 16  International Review of Law and Economics 295 (1996) (with Robert Cooter), reprinted in Constitutional Political Economy (Stefan Voigt, ed., 2003).



Between Russia and China: Political Reform in Mongolia, 35 Asian Survey 459 (1995).



The Transformation of Legal Institutions in Mongolia 1990-1993, 30 Issues & Studies: A Journal of Chinese and International Affairs 79 (1994).


1989    Buddhism and Revolution in Southeast Asia, Undergraduate Journal of Asian Studies (1989).


Published Articles & Book Chapters